I’m delighted to announce I’ve joined @mygreenfootprint__ a fantastic company that supports small businesses by calculating their carbon footprint and produces a carbon reduction strategy to reduce their carbon emissions.
My Green Footprint are aiming to plant over 3000 trees this year, an additional 5000 in 2023 and by 2025 they are targeting a total plant of 15,000 trees
That’s around 375 tonnes of CO2 absorbed from our environment.
Behind the scenes my new workshop is starting to take shape and with the extra thick insulation this should reduce my heating use this winter!
I will be seeking advice in the future to continue to reduce my carbon emissions. Its great to have a better understanding of how my small business has an impact and what changes can make a positive difference to our environment.
Currently I use recycled cardboard and plastic free tape in my packaging.
I also use recycled silver and gold because my supplier has now taken the steps to make all the metal they supply fully traceable to prove it comes from a scrap precious metals and not newly mined.
I also aim to source my precious stones from ethical suppliers.
I know I’m not perfect but I will keep exploring what I can do the keep improving my carbon footprint as well as other environmental impacts.